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Jesta for the World Cup

"As an ardent fan of the Dutch national team, watching the game together with friends, fans like me, is such an exciting moment for me."
Ephraim Lebanon, 100 years old, and the viewing sessions at the World Cup event together with his young friends.

The World Cup is approaching. Some of us take it as another normal month and some of us have been waiting for this month for four years.

Suddenly you can see dozens of adults who are looking for partners, fans, to watch together with them the game of the team they are cheering for.

Ephraim was one of them.

"I have been an ardent fan of the Netherlands team for years. The moment I've been waiting for has finally arrived, the World Cup!

I already knew that Ron, the volunteer who has been visiting me for over 7 years, would watch the game with me. Then I wondered - why don't I invite some young guys, fans like me, so that we feel like we're actually in the stadium??''

So Ron invited some friends from the association, Holland fans at heart and soul, and together they arrived at Ephraim's apartment.

What an evening it was!

The Dutch team wins, the group cracks and every goal they celebrate together.

From that moment on - Ephraim and the volunteers watch every game of the team in the World Cup, cheering, singing, happy.

After we published a picture of us watching the game together, we received hundreds of requests from adults and young people who want to watch together, each one according to the team he is a fan of, and the rest is history!

This is how the "Jesta for the World Cup" project was born, an exciting love story in a special month, a month in which the members of the association in particular and the residents of the city of Rehovot as a whole got to meet lifelong friends.

one picture is worth a thousand words

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